Over the bay the sun was haloed with a massive and I mean massive black ring around it bordered with a thumbnail band of rainbow colors. nbspBR BR nbsp My father had studied the Sundog phenomenon at one point in his career and they are quite rare and never that massive. The military heads claim that the substances used are not harmful. nbsp We will never be the same. We are talking about anthrax here
And the people actually involved in doing the spraying as well as those who will take part in the rest of the plans are being duped into believing they will be spared that is permitted to live and remain on this continent as administrators and caretakers of this vast nature preserve. br br In the meantime they will be carriers for the lethal form of the virus passing it on to everyone with whom they make contact. When asked what the chemicals were and why we were going to spray them they told us that information was given on a needtoknow basis and we werent cleared for it. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop. They proposed that retuning the engine combustion systems to burn rich during the highaltitude portion of commercial flights could be done with negligible efficiency loss. . nbsp Terrible storms winds tornados
The government must provide explanations to the unsuspecting population. This changes dramatically from day to day and season to season. And the military having been exposed to civilians with the flu will eagerly await their own flu shots. Repeatedly expressing shock at how quickly our space colonys lifesupport systems are failing scientists are finding levels of solar radiation reaching the Earths surface decreasing by almost a decade. Theyve sprayed aerosols in the atmosphere for well over years. The government reps then stated that if the general public knew that the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop. nbsp By . Far in the distance the plane of the Milky Way Galaxy arcs diagonally from the lower left to the upper right highlighted by the constellations of Cassiopeia Cepheus and Cygnus. See if you can find the story. And other escalating consequences of our carbon addiction as well. The law also stipulates that biowarfare tests can be carried out on Americans only if Congress is notified days in advance and only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject. Albrechts idealized stratocumulus cloud which he argues is typical has a thickness of m a drizzle rate of mm per day and a mean droplet radius of mm and he assumes that each droplet is formed by the coalescence of smaller droplets
BR BR nbspnbsp nbsp I wept the whole evening. We can staTe with a certainty that we have on our hands chemical trails chemtrails comprised by fine dust containing polymers and metals used to disrupt radar signals. R. I was placed on a huge speed dating table quiz dublin bed and I was afraid they were going to tie my hands down and force the medicine in my right eye too. Here is one response. Certainly the citizens are going to be upset about whatever the answer to the questions are but dont we have a right to know The frighteningly long list of chemicals from the lab tests include some very severe bacterial agents toxic bacilli mold and fungus spores enzymes used in recombinant DNA experimentation and Ethylene Dibromidemore commonly known as jet fuel. charmed dead man dating part 1 But that will change in the future. br br But not this Jr. The law also stipulates that biowarfare tests can be carried out on Americans only if Congress is notified days in advance and only if informed consent to the testing was obtained from each human subject in advance of the testing on that subject. The results can Dating website divorcees be scaled for other amounts. The bacteria and viruses are freezedried and then placed on fine filaments for release
CRbr br From httpexposureofthetruthbr br br br A is for Apple. nbsp THEYRE BACK nbspAfter a summer of heat and fires everywhere in the far western states there were no chemtrails evident over my house. Trails usually in the morning towards the north floating from west to east BR but trails are mostly northsouth ft campbell dating site oriented. br br quotIts actually quite a big deal says Graham Farquhar a climate scientist at the Australian National University in Canberra. Just thought you would like to know this additional information. A screen could be created in the stratosphere by adding more dust to the natural stratospheric dust to increase its net reflection of sunlight
This is the most graphic event that Ive seen since I started observing the chemtrails phenomenon. But I have to admit that this information frightens me because there is no place I can go with it. Bureau of the Census. By now my left eye was completely shut and I could only see out of my right eye
Nbsp Feel free to EMail me back. radar systems can detect weapons of mass destruction that might Is harry dating alexis be dispersed from the sky using crop dusters and other aircraft. But in a country where down is up and wrong is right your kids could be learning that what used to be bad and a bummer is a now good thingbr br RUNNING ON EMPTYbr br quotBe real interesting to see the politics of the folks putting this out. The newest weather control speculation is that the governments of the world are trying to create clouds so that the earth stays cooler because global tunisia dating scams warming is occurring much faster than scientists think is possible. He also stated that we should not tell anyone yellow fever dating site nor ask any more questions about it. I too work for an airline though I work in upper management levels. They seem to always guess right dont they This flu season the government protected people with a trivalent vaccine that included the ABeijinglike HN and the ASydneylike HN. Since an approximately percent change in solar flux is required and their Figures and suggest that at these loadings the dust effects may reasonably be extrapolated downward linearly estimates will be made by using a dust loading of gm with a particle radius of Acircm. Airline companies in America have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. BR BR Hello.
Most of the quotplayersquot are old friends and business partners of the senior Bush. The source has intimate knowledge of at least one aspect of the aerosol operations and asserts the followingCurrent just saw youClick here to see full size photo Click here to see full size photo Click here to see online dating how to respond to a wink Single parents dating canada full size photo nbsp I went outside to read on the porch and enjoy the sun a little. Then the plane went back and filled in the spaces with short trails which I photographed as he made them. Just to let you know
Delivery Scenarios Aircraft Exhaust Penner et al. The temperatures taken from on the two Viking landers measured at meters above the surface range from F C to F C. alone. A few minutes later two more planes were seen going the same direction the first one went. They were told there were dangerous levels of radiation coming from the sun